In the current competitive job market in Australia and other parts ot the world in 2023, employers are increasingly relying on more than just your academic qualifications and work experience to assess your suitability for a role. They want to understand your problem-solving abilities, behavioural patterns, and compatibility with their organizational culture. This is where psychometric tests come in. This comprehensive guide will delve into what psychometric tests are, what they cover, which companies use them, and how to prepare effectively.

What Are Psychometric Test?

Psychometric test is a standard and scientific method used to measure an individual's mental capabilities and behavioural style. These tests are designed to objectively assess your suitability for a role based on certain intellectual abilities and character traits. They're used to gauge whether you are a good fit for a specific role and company culture.

What Does Psychometric Test Cover?

Psychometric tests typically cover two main areas: aptitude tests and personality tests.

  1. Aptitude Tests: These are designed to evaluate your intellectual capabilities, including numerical, verbal, and abstract reasoning. They might also measure job-specific skills such as data interpretation or coding.

  2. Personality Tests: These assess your work style, motivations, values, and reactions in various situations. They aim to determine how well you would fit into the company culture and role.

Which Companies Use Psychometric Tests?

Companies across a broad spectrum of industries use psychometric tests as part of their hiring process. These include financial institutions like Macquarie Bank, tech giants like Google and IBM, consulting firms like Deloitte and McKinsey, among many others. Companies utilise these tests to ensure they recruit candidates who not only have the qualifications but also align well with their company culture and values.

How to Prepare for Psychometric Tests

Preparation is key for success in psychometric tests. Here are some best practices:

  1. Understand the Test: Research the specific test you'll be taking. Understanding the format, structure, and type of questions can significantly improve your performance.

  2. Practice: Make use of online platforms that offer practice psychometric tests. The more you practice, the more familiar you'll become with the question types, improving your speed and accuracy.

  3. Review Relevant Topics: If your test includes numerical or verbal reasoning, brush up on your basic maths and English language skills.

  4. Relax: Ensure you're well-rested before the test. Anxiety and fatigue can negatively impact your performance.

  5. Be Honest: When it comes to personality tests, be genuine in your answers. Trying to manipulate the test to project what you think the employer wants could portray you as inconsistent.

Tools and Books for Psychometric Test Preparation

To help you prepare for this kind of tests effectively, here are some recommended online tools and books:

Online Tools

  1. "JobTestPrep": Founded in 1992, JobTestPrep is a leading online platform dedicated to helping job seekers prepare for pre-employment assessments. They offer comprehensive preparation packages tailored for specific companies, roles, and types of tests. JobTestPrep provides thousands of practice questions, study guides, video tutorials, interview preparations, and more. Their detailed answer explanations help candidates understand the logic behind the questions, and their helpful tips and strategies can be invaluable in improving test performance.

  2. "AssessmentDay": This platform is another useful tool for those preparing for psychometric tests. AssessmentDay provides a wide range of practice tests that simulate the real assessments, including numerical reasoning, verbal reasoning, inductive reasoning, and more. They offer both free and premium tests, allowing you to choose based on your needs. Their practice tests come with fully worked solutions, which can help you understand your mistakes and improve your skills.

  3. "Practice Aptitude Tests": Practice Aptitude Tests offers an extensive library of free and premium psychometric tests used by employers across various industries. The platform provides resources that cover numerical, verbal, and logical reasoning tests, among others. They also offer tailored tests for specific industries, helping candidates get a more realistic feel of the actual tests they'll encounter during their job application process. Each test question comes with a detailed solution and explanation, which aids in better understanding and learning.

Remember, regular practice using these online resources can significantly improve your speed, accuracy, and confidence. While these tools can provide excellent preparation, they should be used in conjunction with other resources, like prep books, to get a well-rounded approach to your preparation. Also, don't forget that these tests are only one aspect of the job application process, so make sure to prepare adequately for other stages, like interviews and assessments.

Books to pass Psychometric Test

  1. "How to Pass Numerical Reasoning Tests" by Heidi Smith: This book is an invaluable resource for anyone who needs to brush up on their numerical skills. It offers a detailed look into numerical reasoning tests, including an overview of the principles behind them and a variety of practice tests. The book focuses on enhancing your mathematical abilities, ranging from simple arithmetic to more complex problems, and provides helpful strategies to solve them under time pressure.

  2. "How to Pass Advanced Numeracy Tests" by Mike Bryon: This book caters to those who face more challenging numerical tests in their job application process. With over 500 practice questions, it provides a comprehensive understanding of complex numerical data interpretation. The book also comes with timed realistic mock tests, which can help you prepare for the real deal.

  3. "Psychometric Tests For Dummies" by Liam Healy: A beginner-friendly guide to understanding a wide range of psychometric tests, including numerical, verbal reasoning, and personality tests. It demystifies the principles of psychometric testing and provides practical tips to score well. The book also contains several practice questions, helping you become familiar with the test format and enhancing your confidence.

  4. "Succeed at IQ Tests: Improve Your Numerical, Verbal and Spatial Reasoning Skills" by Philip Carter and Ken Russell: A comprehensive book designed to help you improve your IQ score, focusing on enhancing your numerical, verbal, and spatial reasoning skills. It includes various practice tests that reflect the type of questions you might encounter in actual IQ tests.

  5. "Advanced IQ Tests": The Toughest Practice Questions to Test Your Lateral Thinking, Problem Solving and Reasoning Skills" by Philip Carter: For those aiming for high IQ scores, this book offers a collection of challenging practice questions. It provides insights into developing problem-solving strategies and improving lateral thinking, enhancing your preparedness for complex psychometric tests.

  6. "The Ultimate Psychometric Test Book" by Mike Bryon: This book covers a broad range of psychometric tests, providing numerous practice tests. It offers a deep dive into understanding the logic behind these tests and strategies to tackle different types of questions.

Psychometric test may seem daunting, but they are simply another method for potential employers to understand you better. Armed with a deep understanding, plenty of practice, and the right resources, you can stand out from the crowd. Remember, these tests are about demonstrating your natural abilities and personality traits, so be genuine, remain calm, and do your best.


Psychometric tests are a significant component of today's recruitment process, providing a comprehensive insight into a candidate's capabilities beyond what a resume can show. With thorough preparation, including understanding the test, practicing regularly, and using the right resources, you can confidently navigate these tests. The most important thing to remember is that these tests are designed to capture your natural abilities and personality traits, so authenticity and honesty will always serve you best. As you prepare for your next psychometric test, consider it as an opportunity to truly showcase your potential and stand out from the crowd.